Corporate Coaching

Corporate Coaching is a development technique that blends best practices in coaching with appropriate business models, methodologies and ways of thinking. Sonar will deliver your programme on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.

The key areas of focus during coaching include:-

  • Role transition – supporting business leaders and managers who are preparing for a promotion or quickly and effectively stepping up after a promotion, and any other significant change in role.
  • Challenging people and situations – supporting business leaders to build confidence and effectiveness in working with challenging people, holding difficult conversations and dealing with awkward situations.
  • High performing teams – supporting team leaders to understand what a high performing team should look like, exploring areas of weaker team performance in their team and identify actions and techniques to improve team performance.
  • Career Progression – working with individuals to step change their career progression.  This is especially useful to remove the blockers when careers appeared to have plateaued.
Sonar corporate coaching
Sonar corporate coaching

Sonar’s qualified coaches have extensive, hands-on experience in senior management positions within blue chip organisations. We have led teams through periods of great change and worked alongside our partner departments of sales, marketing, finance, manufacturing and distribution – both in the UK and abroad where it is essential to understand the different cultures and ways of working.

We will work with you on the presented challenge and we will do this by actively listening to you and your organisation.  Your corporate coach will target the key areas that will support you, your organisation and your teams to develop and move forward. In partnership with your organisation, your coach will develop a programme that is specific to your requirements and the sector in which you operate.

This will be achieved through a combination of:-

  • individual coaching
  • team coaching
  • personality profiling
  • conflict resolution
  • change management
  • career management

I was incredibly impressed by the quality of Paul’s coaching. Paul’s coaching had a positive impact for me by helping me:

- decode the actions of others
- understand what I am looking for at work
- be comfortable with discomfort
- know how to respond when pushed away from my values
- connect the habits I ‘knew’ I needed to adopt in order to become the leader I wanted to be
- actually take action

The highest praise I can give is that I now recommend to members of my team that they should seek Paul out.

Jeremy Dixon-Wright
Sonar corporate coaching

Team Coaching

Team Coaching is for forward thinking organisations looking to develop highly effective teams that deliver value to all its stakeholders. High performance teams add tremendous value to organisations. Nurturing and developing them maximises the effectiveness and flexibility of individuals and the organisation. 

A well-motivated, focussed and committed team is central to the development of any organisation. Without this, the aspirations of the organisation can get lost with everyone pulling in different directions, not knowing how they fit into the overall business landscape. Excellent communication and a shared goal will bring the motivation to work hard to support each other and the business. A solid team will take your business forwards with everyone moving in the same direction. 

The team coaching process helps teams align around a common purpose, establish inspiring spirit and vision, define clear roles, commit to team accountability, make powerful choices and take affirmative action.

Your qualified and experienced Sonar team coach will help you better understand the characteristics of high performing teams and transition your team to become one of them.  And whilst every programme is tailored to your specific needs and requirements, it is essential to consider the key traits of high performing teams.

Peter Hawkins’ Five Cs Model defines these as:

  • Commissioning – gaining clarity and agreement with stakeholders and customers on what the team must deliver.
  • Connecting – engaging and communicating effectively with all key stakeholders.
  • Clarifying – confirming the team’s purpose, objectives, strategy, delivery and systems.
  • Co-creating – optimising both interpersonal and team dynamics, and a team culture.
  • Core Learning – establish mechanisms by which the team can reflect, learn and integrate learning as part of its development.

All team members in the programme will find Team Coaching sessions engaging, fun and enlightening. The sessions will help clarify the changes required and build engagement with, and commitment to, delivering these changes and realising their benefits.

Sonar team coaching

Your executive coach will work in a trusted and confidential partnership with you, working towards unlocking your full potential and maximising your personal and business performance. As appropriate, they will also bring further insights based on their own extensive career experiences.

As part of this ‘peer-to-peer’ relationship, your skilled coach will guide you with powerful and insightful questions, and call upon observations and reflections, in an environment that is confidential and conducive to exploring what is important to you and necessary for your development. Your coach will explore new perspectives and alternative options with you, will challenge your thinking and support your decision making. The coaching process focuses on providing a safe environment in which you can explore ideas and strategies, developing rather than teaching, using an ‘ask-not-tell’ approach that continually maintains a focus on your agenda and what is most important to you.

You will find our Coaching programme thought provoking, challenging and creative. It will inspire and motivate you, and provide you with the tools to help fulfil your personal and professional potential.

Sonar executive

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