“Genuinely committed to making a difference, we exist to deliver coaching that supports our clients live in a way that’s fulfilling, enables them to follow their dreams and to thrive in every area of their life.”

My story

Paul Smale – Founder and Principal Coach

My story

Having gained a first class masters degree in engineering, an internship  at L’Oreal led to rapid acceleration through the ranks.  What followed were eighteen years within the corporate world, holding senior roles within supply chain with all the accomanying pressures, politics and intense challenges that are par for the course in that environment.

My regular successes often led to being promoted into roles that did not sit comfortably with me and my values, and consequently I suffered the crippling anxiety that manifests when a desire to add value cannot be fulfilled.  Having suffered poor mental health as a result of finding myself in ill-fitting roles and environments, I’m passionate about the value of coaching, and the potential it has to create powerful interventions that can entirely adjust the trajectory that people find themselves on.

Working with a coach has repeatedly helped me to reconnect with myself, discover the options that lie ahead, and most importantly find contentment in what I do.  My own experience of coaching inspired me to follow this as a career path and the feedback I’ve received from clients has been incredible.

I am passionate about helping clients to move forwards with clarity, to attain their goals – be they business targets, career goals or something in their personal life. My role is to support clients to become the best version of themselves.  Working with individuals and teams to connect with their goals and identify the milestones to reach them is a hugely positive and empowering process.

I find supporting others to discover who they want to be immensely rewarding and the opportunity to be captain of my own ship is thrilling and liberating in equal measure. Beyond my coaching qualifications, I bring a wealth of personal experience to the table reinforced by formal training.

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