“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
Lau Tzu

Why coaching - Why now?

There are pivotal moments in all our lives; starting out on your first job, your career, starting a family, redundancy, mid-life and many more. There are also pivotal moments that arise out of a gradual awareness that something is out of alignment in your life. You get a sense that you are out of sync with who you really are.

Whatever has brought you to this moment, it is a time of self-reflection, a time when you ask yourself ‘what do I want from life?’ 

That’s one of the toughest questions to answer coaching completely on your own, this is where your coach comes in.

How will coaching move me forwards?

Your Sonar coach will work with you to design an inspiring future. Our role is to help you get unstuck, build a clear and well-founded vision of the life and work you want, and create a plan to bring it to life.

It’s not unusual to face challenges on the journey to achieving your dreams. However, through guided conversation with your coach, you will begin to challenge your limiting beliefs and self-talk. Your coach will encourage you to move towards successful resolutions and opportunities to move in the direction of your new future.

Life and career transitions can often be challenging. However they can be a powerful opportunity for re-evaluation and positive growth. Together we will create well defined outcomes that take you towards achieving your personal, professional or business goals.

  • Maximise your  personal effectiveness.
  • Improve your  self-awareness.
  • Enhance performance at work.
  • Master how to manage yourself and others through personality profiling.
  • Create your ideal work-life balance.

What is the coaching process?

The coaching process focuses on providing a safe environment in which you can explore ideas and strategies using an ‘ask-not-tell’ approach.  It is a process which keeps your agenda and the things most important to you at the core. Coaching is a partnership between you and your coach, a ‘peer-to-peer’ relationship.

It’s a journey of reflection, discovery and self-awareness combined with action, motivation, and goal-orientation. It’s a thought-provoking process that aims to unpick the challenges and barriers to achieving your potential.

Coaching supports you to maximise your personal and professional potential.  In an environment that is confidential and conducive to exploring what is important to you, your skilled coach will:-

  • guide you with powerful and insightful questions
  • use observation and reflections
  • explore new and creative solutions
  • challenge your thinking
  • help you remove the barriers holding you back
  • support you to move forwards with tangible steps
  • support decision making

This is all about YOU. We’ll explore your strengths, values, achievements, purpose and what your ideal life would look like.

By the end of the programme, you’ll have a compelling plan to move in a new direction – one that fulfills your values, strengths and passions. A future inspired by you,  for you!

What it isn't

Coaching supports you to identify your own answers and does not give advice. Coaching is forward focused and is not consulting, mentoring or therapy. Coaching is not directing you to where your coach thinks you should be heading. This is your journey!

The coach facilitates the exploration of underlying assumptions, beliefs, values, expectations, and attitudes that shaped the experiences of the client and their world.

I have found my time being coached by Paul very powerful. Not only has Paul helped me to challenge my thinking, and make progress towards my business goals, but he has also given me space to laugh, celebrate successes and reflect on my journey. Paul is very easy to talk to, and brings energy and skill to all our sessions. Thank you Paul for coaching me. You have helped me so much over the last few months to face some unhelpful thoughts, and make some tough decisions.

Jessica Woodsford

My Clients

I work with clients who are committed to making a change in their life. Every client is different and has their own unique challenges and goals.

Whatever the reason for change, whatever the challenge, my goal is to support you to achieve success; to help you see through the mist of uncertainty and visualise your new horizon.  With renewed clarity and focus you will become the driver of your own destiny.

Coaching supports you to maximise your personal and professional potential.

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