What people say

I was incredibly impressed by the quality of Paul’s coaching. Paul’s coaching had a positive impact for me by helping me:

- decode the actions of others
- understand what I am looking for at work
- be comfortable with discomfort
- know how to respond when pushed away from my values
- connect the habits I ‘knew’ I needed to adopt in order to become the leader I wanted to be
- actually take action

The highest praise I can give is that I now recommend to members of my team that they should seek Paul out.
Jeremy Dixon-Wright
Director - supply chain fmcg
The coaching sessions I had with Paul were amazing. Each time Paul and I had a coaching session he always enabled me to set my focus and get me to truly understand what it would feel like to achieve my goal, then helped me prescribe my necesary steps in order to achieve it. I can say that these sessions have had a great impact on my life, helped me through some difficult times and has set the way I approach my goals in life. I thank Paul greatly for that.
Phillip Parkyn
specialist - supply chain fmcg
The coaching sessions with Paul have had a great impact on the way I have approached vital decisions, prepared for important situations and reflected on these, both from a personal and professional point of view.

Paul’s guidance has enabled me to set my focus, and gave me the confidence to make the decisions I already knew I wanted to make.

He has been able to unlock all my potential by gently pushing me to work through the options I had, making me accountable for my commitments and following up after each session to keep track of my progression.

Paul’s non-judgemental approach made me feel comfortable from the beginning, and confident that I could speak openly about the decisions that were troubling me. His calmness and capacity to listen are skills that make him a fantastic coach, and I can’t thank him enough for all his help and support.
Miguel Ortega
leader - supply chain fmcg
During my coaching with Paul, I had set some very personal goals which I had been struggling to overcome. Within only a few months with Paul’s coaching, I was able to move my satisfaction against my goals from low (4/10) to a very high level (8/10).

Paul’s calm approach made me feel comfortable throughout our time. He took the time to listen and understand how I felt and helped me to dig deeper into the real reasons for my feelings so that we could truly understand the rationale behind the circumstances before coming to an action.

My personal and professional life have seen a marked improvement on where they were when I first came to Paul. Through the work we have done, I am happier in my day to day life and have the ability to look at situations objectively even when they are being presented to me in a way I don’t necessarily like. Paul, my sincere thanks to you for all your support, now and into the future.
Charlie Helgesson-Lehmann
manager - business development
I have found my time being coached by Paul very powerful. Not only has Paul helped me to challenge my thinking, and make progress towards my business goals, but he has also given me space to laugh, celebrate successes and reflect on my journey. Paul is very easy to talk to, and brings energy and skill to all our sessions. Thank you Paul for coaching me. You have helped me so much over the last few months to face some unhelpful thoughts, and make some tough decisions.
Jessica Woodsford
business owner & Coach
One of the most impactful things I got out of our sessions was working out what was really important to me and setting myself some clear goals to work towards. Knowing where I wanted to be in a few months in the future, meant that I could work out how to bridge the gap from where I was to my desired outcome. Setting goals meant that I could then create a timeline, as well as creating clear action plans. In our sessions, I particularly enjoyed the exploration of what may have been holding me back. Sometimes these realisations were what actually moved me forward the most.

I also appreciated that when working with Paul he helped me to create plans and a way forward that worked for ME. As a result of our sessions, I feel much more in control of my how I spend my time and have a greater awareness of what I'm working towards, when I want to achieve it and how I'm going to get there.

I would definitely recommend Paul as a coach to anyone that is open to exploring what is really holding them back because Paul is very curious, caring and understanding, and by getting to that understanding he can help you move forward in a way that works for you.
Emma Cann
business owner & Coach
I have throughly enjoyed being coached by Paul. I am at a bit of a cross roads with my life and wasn’t sure which way to turn. I thought I had a clear goal that I wanted to achieve but through some excellent questions I have started to re-evaluate what I want going forwards.
The coaching has really empowered me and made me feel its ok to change course if I want to. The learning involved has been invaluable and some of this has been due to Paul's ability to challenge me and my thinking in a safe and thoughtful way. I have some big changes ahead but I know I can achieve them. Thank you Paul.
Rob Ash

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